Learning Support Services

Seeking assistance with course-specific content?

Course Tutoring

1:1 appointments for subject tutoring are offered 7 days a week, including evening hours to accommodate your busy schedule. Sessions are available in both virtual and face-to-face options.

Supplemental Instruction (SI)

Led by a designated SI leader, these weekly series of group study sessions are designed to strengthen students' learning and study strategies through reviewing course content and filling in knowledge gaps. Be sure to bookmark our SI session schedule.

Course Study Groups

Engage with classmates while participating in effective study. Join, or create, a course study group facilitated by a trained tutor who can offer a wealth of resources and content assistance.

Ready to improve your study habits?

1:1 Study Skills Coaching

Our highly trained coaches will analyze your current study habits and work with you to create a customized, evidence-based plan for success. Both face-to-face and virtual appointments are available 7 days a week. Study Skills Coaching topics can inlcude: Exam preparation, test-anxiety reduction, note-taking, texbook navigation, stress-management, procrastination, time-management, effective learning stratetegies, and much more. 

Student Success Workshops

Find your academic edge with our workshops on study skills, financial literacy, sleep & learning, career readiness, and more. Check out our current semester line-up.